Passive Income
Most of us think about generating passive income and try different methods, many of which do not work for us. Due to the advancement in technology and the increasing use of social media, there are many new avenues available. But, it depends, how we use them, so here I would tell you about 5 such areas which have huge potential for generating passive income in the current scenario. These 5 skills are in high demand and going to increase in the future. Number One Skill The skill of reading books, most of the successful entrepreneurs read books to upgrade their knowledge, as we know learning is equal to earning. In one of the interviews, Bill Gates and Jeff Bezos gave an answer to the question of which superpower they would want if given a chance? The answer given by both was the same. "The power to read books faster." So, you see, how important is reading skill. I would recommend some great bestseller books here, 1. Rich Dad Poor Dad by Robert T Kiyosaki 2. Powe...